Causes of prostate cancer (part 2)

Radiation exposure

This is one of the main causes of radiation exposure. For over two decades I have been lecturing about the side effects of radiation from cell phones, wired and wireless devices, TV and microwaves. All of these apparatuses promote electrons. These electrons travel and affect the DNA, making changes and promoting prostate cancer to grow as well. For many years, there wa a big controversy about radiation. In actuality, we have confirmed the damage that radiation causes and how it can promote cancer.

At Rubio Cancer Center, I always suggest to my patients they protect themselves from radiation exposure. I train and use techniques using an instrument called an. EMF protector. This instrument is a shield that protects the cells and can reduce radiation by 65%. The EMF protector works by sending all radiation to the ground and rejecting radiation, not allowing 100%of the radiation to go to the cells. Since electrons from the environment are bombarding our cells, this is an excellent instrument to use to protect patients from radiation to inhibit the promotion of cancer cells.


Age plays a big role when patients develop prostate cancer. It is more aggressive and spreads easier in younger patients under 50 years old. The reason why this cancer is more aggressive in younger patients is because they have more hormones to simulate the prostate cancer. This make the treatments harder but we can stop the growth and cause complete remission. The tumor cells spread very wild and the cells can change in a month. As they get older, the tumor’s growth slows because there are less hormones.


I found a very important symptom in patients who smoke. Every time they inhale the smoke, they make the prostate muscle contract which wears the prostate out. Nicotine is also cancer promoter.

Causes of prostate cancer

a. Hormones

b. Chemical exposure

c. Genetics and viruses

d. Radiation exposures

e. Age f. Smoking


Prostate cancer is hormone dependent because this type of tumor needs the hormones to grow. The hormone testosterone is what simulates the prostate. Testosterone is the main hormone to make the prostate enlarge, change form also cause cancer. For many years in the medical field, doctors were only dealing with the testicles as the main source and promoters of testosterone, but they were not considering glands like the adrenal glands, hypothesis and fat issue.

Chemical exposure

For many years, we have known that chemicals are a big cause of prostate cancer. There are hundreds of chemicals on the planet that can initiate cancer cells like spray paint, asbestos, lead, mercury, insecticides, pesticides, colorants, preservatives, gasoline and diesel. We are in daily contact with large amounts of chemicals that are damaging our cells, changing them and promoting cancer cells. I can easily explain how these chemicals affect the cells using a piece of cake as an example.

Genetics and viruses

In my prostate cancer patients, I have found a translocation in the chromosome #3 ad changes in the gene #3. This aberration passes the genes in direct lines of families propelling prostate cancer.

Sometimes the gene expression can with for up to five generations or 50 years and the express again. For example, if my grandfather had prostate cancer, in the next five generations in his family line, they will have 99% chance that this generation of men will develop prostate cancer.

Want to know more? See our next article soon!

What is prostate cancer?

Prostate is a gland with two lobes that perform liquid prostatic. This liquid helps the movement of spermatozoids in the ejaculation. The size of the prostate gland is like an almond and this gland is located in the sides of the urethra (urethra is a pipe or line for urination functionality and realizes liquid prostatic and spermatozoids).

This gland is hormone receptor from hormones like testosterone. The main source of testosterone is the testicles. Also, glands like adrenals and hypophysis produce small amounts of testosterone.

Many factors such as genes, chemicals, viruses, and radiation help to promote cancer in the prostate. The main causes are viruses because they are responsible for altering, changing and translocating the DNA to spark the cancer cells to grow. Also, the amounts to testosterone levels promote prostate cancer to grow. This tumor starts affecting younger patients and gets more aggressive and moves very fast. This type of tumor is the most frequent tumor in men and is getting more aggressive as it shows up in younger men. Twenty years ago, this tumor was only frequent in old people but the environment changes, chemical exposures and genetics have made this tumor very lethal.

When this tumor gets into younger patients, the tumor is more aggressive and spreads faster to different organs. Why? The hormones cause the prostate cancer to grow with hormones like testosterone. This hormone comes from the testicles, adrenal, and hypophysis. Younger patients have too many hormones for the cancer cell to grow and when a man becomes older, the levels of hormones decline, and the tumor is less aggressive.

In the last 27 years, I have seen how this tumor is becoming harder to stop. We need to work smarter and make a very unique program for each individual to succeed. The use of immunotherapy (using your natural killer cells to destroy cancer) is the best weapon I’ve found to put prostate cancer in complete remission. In over two decades of treating patients, I’ve never had to do any castration or orchiectomy (cut the testicles) to diminish hormone production. This technique has

been offered to patients, but most patients don’t accept this, so doctors use hormone therapy to block the testosterone.

Repair is the FUTURE of medicine

With the advantage of the stem cells as we discussed, we are now delighted to be able to offer this new future of medicine, called regenerative medicine.

The use of stem cells can repair degenerative conditions like lack of mobility, aging, fractures, heart attack, cirrhosis, atrophy of the organs, etc. This bio-genetic method is a new approach that is hopeful to work better than what the past traditional medicines of surgery and drugs had to offer relief.

The use of stem cells can repair degenerative conditions like lack of mobility, aging, fractures, heart attack, cirrhosis, atrophy of the organs, etc. This bio-genetic method is a new approach that is hopeful to work better than what the past traditional medicines of surgery and drugs had to offer relief.


Imagine re-growing a new muscle in the heart without any surgeries or replacement parts like stents, and shunts. This is where the future of medicine is going.


All of us are exploring this new frontier together. Like any treatment protocol, patients have to make lifestyle adjustments as well to keep their bodies strong and the environment healthy for stem cells to do their job to repair, re-grow and help patients thrive.

Protocol and procedure for creating adult stem cells

1) We use peripheral blood cells, bone marrow biopsy and fat tissue

To collect and harvest the stem cells we use different techniques. First, we stimulate the bone marrow to produce more stem cells, this way when we draw the peripheral blood, we get high concentration of stem cells. We then draw 20cc of blood.

2) The second technique we use is the bone marrow biopsy where se use a hassida needle to get the bone marrow from the iliac crest. We also look for perone bone, the leg bone and sternum. These three areas have enough high concentration of stem cells which we then draw approximately 100-500 cc or one liter of blood.

3) When we extract stem cells from fat issue, we use the abdomen as the location of the incision, (around the belly button) and get the subcutaneous fat. We remove approx. 5 gram of fat issue and with this sample we separate the fat and harvest the rest of the tissue in the laboratory. We use specific enzymes to break the collagen of the far; we remove the stroma leaving mesenquima cells only which are the targeted stem cells. We create special cultures that we place in an incubator and then we select what kind of organ to regenerate. We use specific cytokines for the organ that we want.

The blood from the bone marrow and peripheral blood is separated with ficoll isolating as we harvest stem cells. We add growth factors, nutrition and cytokines to this culture before we inject back into the patient.

Administering adult stems

In order to grow stem cells in the lab specifically for each patient we collect the bone marrow in one pint of blood. We inject growth and cytokines for differentiation of the stem cells. At the same time, we get plasma from patient and we get growth factors and reapply it to the patient through the IV

This technique is unique and when the doctors don’t have the laboratories to select grow and the stem cells separate, they instead apply the stem cells immediately to patients. The stem cells then begin the signal process, the main signal is finding an inflammatory reaction. For example, if a patient has hepatitis and inflammatory of the liver, the stem cells will fix or repair the liver. The body normally has about 10% stem cells working to fix any inflammation happening in the body. This is enough cell to repair the liver or any organ, so we boost the stem cells to 90% and this will repair the organ and diminish the inflammatory process.

Stem cells

Stem cells are beneficial for people who are concerned about genetic predisposition of cancer. It is an ideal preventative treatment for those who have had genetic testing like BRACA 1 and 2 to prevent breast cancer. We are work with the recombinant stem cells and this is a very important technique for patients that have disease or gene mutation.

The need for DNA did you know that several degenerative diseases and chronic conditions can be reverses with stem cell therapy? It is the purpose of this booklet to teach you about therapies we have available right now. We can treat existing conditions of work in prevention and using this non-invasive approach we can also support youth and anti-aging at all levels not just cosmetic. It may be than stem cell treatments could be the answer you’ve been looking for if you have chronic disease or a recently discovered condition.

Stem cells for cancer treatment

Currently stem cells are being used for cancer treatments more and more for example in working with cancer’s like lymphoma and leukemia, the first goal is using stem cells is to overall rejuvenate and activate new cells, heal and make the organs vital functioning as well as to put life back into balanced homeostasis. We have the technique to produce cells specific for the organ that we need. We can produce cells for bones, brain heart, pancreas, liver, lungs, intestines and any organ of the human body.

Since chemotherapy aggressively destroy healthy cells; medical experts often use bone marrow transplant to build the new dells. The surface of the cells has receptors that either accept or reject the cells (HL! OrHL2).

Starving the Cancer and Feeding the Body

Taking the blood type into account, a cancer diet is specifically formulated to provide nutrition to the body and its functions while denying nutrition to the tumor. Patients with tumoral activities are in a state of cachexia (i.e., their bodies degenerate and lose protein and organ mass while the cancer grows). What is cachexia? It is a process of cellular destruction. which occurs because tumor cells are stealing nutrients from the body. We know that tumor cells grow in dextrorotation, meaning that the DNA rotates to the right as the cells reproduce. Subsequently, we starve the tumor while nourishing the healthy cells with nutrients and medications that rotate to the left. Some examples are levulose acids switched to the left side, lipids with a negative polarization, and glucose that rotates to the left. All these substances nourish the body, not the tumor. Cancer patients need more nutrients, proteins, carbohydrates, lipids minerals, vitamins, and enzymes in their diets than do noncancer patients because cancer cells take and monopolize all the nutrients from their bodies. The cancer cells grow through the process of fermentation. They don’t need oxygen to survive, and they milk all the glucose and proteins from the body and produce lactic acid. Cancer cells can starve a body for months. Cancer cells switch the pH (acid/alkali balance) in the patient’s system and create a positively charged environment in which to grow. Cancer cells have cycles: the pH in the body, normally alkaline, changes to acidic when cancer cells need to nourish themselves to grow. The body’s internal environment is changed and the cancers growth aided. At the same time, the body’s immune system is prevented from functioning because a protective gel is formed around the tumor cells. Cancer cells create specific receptors to attract nutrients and specific carriers to grow and spread within the acidic pH. They connect and attach themselves to normal cells and rob them of their nutrients. Cancer cells also switch electrical impulses within the bloodstream. Cancer cells are positively charged. and red blood cells are negative. Once the cancer cells steal all the nutrients from negatively charged, noncancerous cells, they slough them off and attract more red blood cells. BREAKING THE CANCER CODE – 74 In the normal body, the pH cycle from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. is usually acidic, and from 3:00 to 10:00 p.m., it is alkaline. Then it switches back sometime in between. Cancer therapy must be given when the patient is in the acid phase. Any therapy we give during this specific time will attack the tumor while it is attempting to grow. Nontoxic medications and nourishment for the noncancerous cells are given from 3:00 to 10:00 p.m. while the cancer cells are less active. Cancer patients especially need to get all their nutrients from the best sources that do not contain any chemicals or preservative. The goal of using diet as a cancer therapy is to diminish the levels of harmful chemicals and carcinogenic agents that could adversely affect the DNA of the healthy cells, to give support to the cells to get well, and for the immune system to function normally.

How to Use Your Diet to Heal

Once a person has been diagnosed with cancer, the idea of eating healthy is no longer an option. In order for their body (a.k.a. life vehicle) to function and heal, the fuel now has to be premium, and the maintenance of the vehicle is daily. Never has diet been more important than when healing a condition like cancer. The foods and drinks we ingest give us energy and the tools we need for our cells to function efficiently and harmoniously. In today’s standard American diet (SAD) with heavily processed foods, the very substances designed to nourish us can cause our organs to malfunction and make us sick. For many years, food was ignored as a cancer-causing agent. Doctors know today that certain foods can be initiators for cancer and other illnesses. Our bodies are harmed by foods containing preservatives, antibiotics, and pesticides, to name a few. The many forms of sugar-from modified high-fructose corn syrup to pure cane syrup to brown rice syrup to agave nectar-all make foods tastier as they stimulate appetite and cancer cells. Because the standard American lifestyle is rush-rush-rush with little time to relax, many of us eat and chew our foods improperly, which means we absorb less of the nutrients available in what we consume. Cancer healing is a wake-up call to make changes in many of these areas.


Healing Cancer with Diet


Some of the dietary plans used to treat illness and cancer have been vegetarian, macrobiotic, alkaline, and fasting diets. We suggest that the best way to choose a diet is to know the patient’s genes and body. This will help the doctor to prescribe a revised and improved approach to a proper diet specific for the patient. The type of diet chosen is an important factor in fighting cancer because the type of nutrition the body receives can slow down or stop the growth of cancer cells. All metabolic reactions in the cells depend on the certain nutrient’s presence and water. By using the blood technique of matching patients’ types with diet, we help stop cancer cells from growing and transform them to normal cells. At many health centers and cancer centers, including ours, we use diets that are determined by blood type and don’t put additional stress on the patient’s body. Cancer patients are already under tremendous stress, and their diets should create harmony and not add challenges to their bodies. We have seen tremendous benefits and positive results by incorporating more plant-based, nutrient-dense, and whole-food-specialized diets into their treatment plans and lifestyles. There is a huge movement in the United States toward these healthier preservative-and sugar-free diets that open up a whole new lifestyle. One of the best companies leading the way is Whole Foods Market. The standard American diet has been omnivorous (i.e., we consume both animal and vegetable products). We actually do need to eat a wide variety of foods that contain proteins, carbohydrates, and lipids to keep our bodies functioning well. That is the purpose of nutrition! We also know that the fast-food society has taken a toll on most of us. Now, when patients need to heal, a dietary regimen for cancer patients should take into account the genetic constitution of the patient.

Magnetic nanoparticles to cure Cancer

Immunotherapy against cancer translates as the activation of the immune system in the body to attack tumor cells, this type of treatments has gained much importance in recent decades as a viable strategy for the treatment of cancer. Immunotherapeutic treatments recently approved by the FDA have generated remission in patients with previously bleak results and have expanded the number of tools available to treat cancer. The nanoparticles, in different ways, whether polymeric, liposomal and metallic, naturally turn to highly irrigated tissues such as the spleen and lymphatic organs, which makes them good candidates for the administration of immunotherapeutic agents. Metal nanoparticle formulations, in particular, are useful because of their potential to enhance their ability to generate optical or laser-based therapeutic methods with magnetic fields.

When the particles are administered intravenously, the iron particle within a magnetic field, turns from one side to another, generating a constant heat. What produces a metabolic change in the cancer cell and generates its destruction in such a way that if it is possible to administer them directly in the tumor it is literally possible to generate the elimination of the tumor cells by means of heat.

Tumors need to grow rapidly and to achieve this, they stimulate the production of internal blood vessels. One of the side effects of this excessive stimulation in neovascularization is that the vessels are friable and lack effective lymphatic drainage, which helps the nanoparticles reach the parenchyma of the tumor.

Despite the important preclinical reports demonstrated by many research groups in the last twenty years, only a few metal nanoparticles have successfully entered clinical trials.

In our hospital we are working with NanoDynamics Inc. They as providers are one of the companies in the USA. They have FDA approval. Within the protocol registered in the national health institutes, there are several inclusion criteria among which candidate patients are selected to receive immunotherapy treatment.

• First, the patient must be between 25 and 75 years old

• The patient must have a neoplastic disease with solid tumor

• A progression prior to chemotherapy is important

• Two local doses should be administered if possible or 3 systemic doses

• The stimulation with the magnetic fields must be done twice a day

The protocol is carried out within the clinic and it is important to administer an important dose of antioxidant agents daily, the reason is to be able to cushion the components produced by the cell death of the tumor cells. Also control the food due to the amount of toxic components and pesticides contained in some types of food that can interfere with the distribution of magnetic particles.

Immune evasion is a characteristic of all types of cancer and contributes to tumor growth. In clinically healthy people, the body’s immune system recognizes abnormal cells and facilitates their destruction. Tumor cells evade such destruction by eliminating tumor antigens and immunosuppressing the attack function of T cells.

Cancer vaccines can induce the production and stimulation of T cells by being stimulated with tumor antigens, which often reside in the spleen, skin or lymphatic tissues. By promoting the production of dendritic cells, they interact with the CD8 + and Natural Killers T cells, initiating the maturation, expansion and migration processes to attack the sites of neoplasms.

If, together with immunostimulant therapy, nanoparticle therapy is administered, it is possible that a potentiation of the immune response is generated with the heat generated thereby generating the regression of the tumor masses.


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